Thursday, May 9, 2013


We started our seedlings a few weeks ago and here are the little ones coming up. They looks so healthy.

Geranium seedlings. I love the cute little leaves.

Pumpkin. We tried some last year that did really well until the slugs got to them. So this year we will protect them a little better.

Geranium (I wintered this over indoors. My fist successful attempt. I ignored it most of the winter. That seemed to do the trick).

Dahlias! They are so pretty. I dug these up this fall and put them in the garage. I did not do what you are supposed to and wrap the dried tuber in newspaper, peat moss or sawdust. I forgot about them in some plastic bags. The smaller tubers were rotten when I found them a few weeks ago, but the larger tubers sprang up happily as you can see.
Our tray of herbs. We have plugs of sage, thyme, oregano and basil. I transplanted many of the sage already. Fresh herbs are a treat!