Thursday, January 29, 2015

Taking time


Something I have been working on the past few months is getting up an hour before my boys to have quiet time. Yes it feels like self inflicted torture some mornings, but the few minutes spent with my husband as we visit quietly over that first cup of coffee is precious. As I reflect on yesterday while preparing my thoughts and heart for today feels purposeful and refreshing. If I get the chance to do a yoga flow in my dimly lit living room, even better.

An hour later when I hear the pitter patter of little boy feet I can greet my sleepy boys with a smile and warm hug. I can be present in every sense of that word and sink into the day with a happy glow and acceptance of the here and now.


Everyday is an adventure!


New Year


The New year is here and January is almost gone, but I can't help feeling happy about the year to come. I found the above saying on Pinterest and it made me smile. We can't change what life brings our way, but we can change how we respond despite our circumstances.


So this year I would like to Sparkle....sparkle as I cook breakfast for my growing boys, sparkle when the laundry piles up (because I have a great new washer and dryer), sparkle when the temperature goes below 10 degrees, sparkle through school lessons, progress reports, budgeting, meal planning, lost socks, not enough hours in the day and still I purpose to sparkle when unfavorable comments, opinions, experiences, world news and politics would threaten my peace...

I get to choose joy through it all and joy makes us shimmer and sparkle despite the rain. Time flies by and I don't want to miss out on the precious moments. Our boys are growing so fast...where did the last 6 years go?

Finding the joy in all the precious moments and holding them close...Happy 2015 Sparkle on!