Friday, April 26, 2013

Curriculum Choices

I will share my LOVE for the curriculum that we will be using next year. Of course different curriculum works for different families, but we are looking forward to the following:

Science: Noeo Science Physics I
This science program is beautifully designed. The teachers guide lays out each week and what you will be reading each week. You keep a science journal and write and draw what you learn after each lesson. Then there is an experiment kit that was a lot of fun for my boys. This year we did Biology I (they are in kindergarten and 2nd grade) and it was a perfect fit.

Tanner: Teaching Textbooks
I have heard wonderful things about this program, but have not used it yet. It was the only curriculum that I found that one level was a good fit for Tanner from start to finish. The rest of the books he seemed to be at the tail end of one and the beginning of the other. So we will see how this works. We will be using level 4 for him.

Gideon: RightStart Math
He will be at level B for 1st grade. This year we did level A and it was fun and seems to be the right fit for my wiggly little fella.

History: Story of the World volume 1: Ancient Times It is a classical approach to history and it is available in 4 volumes to study in sequential order one per year.
Volume 1 Ancient Times
Volume 2 The Middle Ages
Volume 3 Early Modern Times
Volume 4 Modern Times
I have heard wonderful things about this curriculum and am very excited to try it. You can find it on Rainbow Resource or Amazon

Geography: Galloping the Globe I like that you can print off maps, flags, quizzes, mazes, continents and countries. You can really make this curriculum your own. I plan on using it again this year along with our History so that it brings our History to life. I love to quiz the boys on our world map. Each few weeks I add a new ocean or country and slowly build on it through the year. Admittedly I have not kept up with this as I would like but the kids love it and so it will continue to be on our lesson plans.

Tanner (3rd grade)Handwriting without Tears Cursive Success
Character Handwriting without Tears Cursive Gideon (1st grade) Handwriting without Tears Printing Power
Character Handwriting without Tears Basic Print
Tanner- First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind Level 3
Gideon- First Language Lessons Level 1 pb

Reading: Tanner- Pathway Readers Grade 3: New Friends and workbook, More New Friends and workbook.
We have been using the Pathway Readers all 3 years and we love them. Each lesson introduces new words and builds on known words. The workbook reinforces the words that are learned, spelling and reading comprehension.

Gideon- Pathway Readers Grade 1: Days Go By and Workbook, More Days Go By and Workbook.
I made flashcards and printed them on card stock to reinforce words. I added to the stack throughout the year. When Gideon started the Pre-Primer for Kindergarten (First Steps) we went over the flashcards on a daily basis. Now we go over them a few times a week or as I see he needs review.

P.E. I enrolled the boys in homeschool swim program offered here. The instructors are amazing and it is wonderful to get the kids in the water learning a skill that everyone should learn.

*Physical education can not be overlooked. Children need to move and breath and roll around. I am finally figuring out that my youngest is a kinesthetic learner (he learns through movement). He does great when I allow for breaks between subjects to run around. I often incorporate movement in our lessons. For example hopping to me as he says the words on the flashcards. Or I lay all the alphabet flash cards out on the floor and as I say the letter name or sound he hops to the matching letter. The more I allow movement the more he does well later when it is time to sit for a subject like reading. When I forget he is a ball of constant movement. In the last few months I have let some of my ideas slip and I have found it is worth it to take time to let him move. Exercise is essential.

Music: The boys love music, but I have not done a curriculum for it. We have learned the Alaska State Song which we practice together. Tanner likes to play the harmonica and they both love to sing. This is something I would like to work on.

Art: Each day the boys draw or create in some way. They are both creative and love artwork. I would like to study a few artists this year by just checking out books at the library and looking at color, shadows and just overall art enjoyment.

That wraps it up for now. I would love to hear your curriculum choices.

*I personally love Rainbow Resource as a great Resource for curriculum, the opinions shared here are my own and the links provided are for informational purposes. Enjoy.

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