Friday, April 19, 2013


The days are finally getting longer and the sun is shining and the boys are playing outdoors. They told me yesterday, "Mom, it is diggin' weather." So I can hear them digging away in the pit that they have made in the backyard. The birds are singing and after a long cold winter I finally believe that spring is on its way.

We finally started our trays of seeds again this year. There is something very wonderful about the lush smell of moist soil. Yes I know that sounds silly, but to those of us who love to garden there is something wonderful about sinking your hands into rich soil and gently planting little seeds that you will tend so carefully and add with optimism to your garden beds when it is safe to do so.

There is something specifically gratifying about walking through your garden and pointing out the flowers and plants that you have started from seed. You have watched it shed it's tiny coat and reach its first little root down into the soil you provided for it. You watched with delight as it's first leaves burst open and announced it was awake. The process of watching a seed is so beautiful to me that I may even be caught crooning to them gently when I think the boys are not there. But, I have been caught and my soft exclamations of, "good morning little ones," does not pass unnoticed from the ears of my little fellows.

This year they each are planting some of their favorites. Gideon's favorite flowers are forget me not's. He fell in love with them two summers ago when I pointed out to him their delicate blue flower with specks of yellow. He lovingly called them, "forgotten's" the next summer when he spotted them in the garden. "Mom, the forgottens are here!" He was so excited that they come every year. I feel that way too. Despite how delicate they appear they survive year after year and if one is inclined to sniff they have a soft sweet smell. Lovely.

Tanner opted for jalapeno and serrano chili seeds. Last year I bought a easy assemble greenhouse from Fred Meyer and it was perfect for growing peppers, tomatoes, and *basil*. They are each wonderful helpers in the garden and Tanner takes particular pride in our veggie garden. They are my little scouts and watch (and report) the first signs of the feathery spike of carrots, the pokes of the onion and the red burst of rhubarb.

There is still snow covering the majority of my garden beds, but we are ready. Planning, planting tiny rows of seeds, and dreaming "spring" dreams. Happy Planting.

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